Robert Downey Jr. to be in Captain America 3?

Robert Downey Jr. won’t be giving up the mantle of Iron Man just yet; the actor looks set to join the cast of Captain America 3 in a major role.

Captain America and Iron Man are likely to face each other in Captain America 3 (Image credits: Primary Ignition)

Robert Downey Jr. looks set to continue playing the role of the iconic Tony Stark/Iron Man even after Avengers: Age of Ultron hits cinemas next year. The actor, who topped Forbes’ Top Earning Actors list, is in negotiations to land a major role in the third Captain America film, due to be released on May 6th, 2016.

Iron Man’s presence in Captain America 3 means the movie will likely be based on the Civil War comic book storyline, where the government imposed a Superhero Registration Act that forced superheroes to either register their secret identities or be deemed outlaws. Iron Man was a proponent of the Act while Captain America was vehemently against it, leading to a huge fight between them along with the other heroes that took either side.

Marvel’s Civil War teaser photo (Image credits: Marvel)

Makes perfect sense, seeing as villains Winter Soldier and Crossbones were still alive by the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. No spoilers here, but these two characters played pivotal roles in the original Civil War storyline. Marvel has also dropped a big hint by releasing a Civil War teaser photo today, spelling the continuation or reboot of the storyline for comics next year. Coincidence, or a well-timed alignment with Captain America 3? We’re gunning for the latter.

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