Watch: DSTRY ATLANTA by Inkten & Clogtwo

Earlier this month, artists Inkten and Clogtwo were invited to Atlanta, Georgia, to be part of the Heineken Mural Project. Watch “DSTRY ATLANTA”, a video which documents the accomplishments of their trip. 

Images courtesy of Clogtwo

Artists Inkten and Clogtwo were invited to Atlanta, Georgia, USA, to each complete a mural as part of the Heineken Mural Project (2-9 October 2013). The duo participated in this project alongside artists such as Woes from Hawaii, Chor Boogie from San Francisco, Marka27 from New York and PaperFrank from Atlanta. As the theme for this mural project was Open Your World, Ink and Clog saw it fit to bring the Malay culture and history to Atlanta through painting murals featuring the well-loved lead characters of Malay legends – Hang Tuah and Putri Gunung Ledang.

For more information, visit the Clogtwo official website

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