
Attend Harvard Without Leaving the Comfort of Your Bed

Where a Harvard education and photography meet? Sign us up.


A short photography course hosted online is available for your participation for free. You’ll even get a Harvard certificate upon completion.

Harvard’s online digital photography modules are held in partnership with ALISON, a free e-learning community founded by entrepreneur Mike Feerick. The website is a platform built for individuals to pick up skills to a certified level. With over 300 courses, subjects range from Business Management to IT and Personal Development.

The Digital Photography course itself comprises 13 modules that cover a range of topics such as learning camera functions, exposure settings, camera sensor work, and how to read the histogram. It will take a participant only 10 to 15 hours to complete the course, less than the total number of hours in a day.

Upon completion of the course, a certificate will be issued for print – no need to spend cash on a cap and gown. If you’re into photography, or if you’ve been meaning to pick up something new this year, definitely give this a try.

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More information on the Digital Photography course can be found here

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