
“I Actually Wore This”, a Book of Fashion Regrets

Fashion regrets – who hasn’t had them? If looking back on some of your fashion purchases makes you feel shitty, this book lets you know that you’re not alone.

Photo: Dazed

I Actually Wore This, written by Tom Coleman, is a tribute to all our fashion regrets.

Pictured on the cover is Chris Benz, who wears a Comme des Garçons hat bought in 2013 for US$525. According to him, if he were to be invited to an Easter egg hunt, he’d have just the thing. Chris ended up only wearing the hat once.

If Chris’ story sounds painfully familiar, there are plenty more of such within the pages of the book that will leave you in laughter and tears.

I Actually Wore This embraces those cringe-inducing garments, those items that will forever cause you to mutter, ‘What was I thinking?’ when you see them hanging in your closet,” writes the author in the introduction.

Designer pieces bought on impulse? Check. Buying too-tight pants as weight loss motivation? Check. Bringing back trends that were best left in their respective eras? Check.

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I Actually Wore This is published by Rizzoli. Get your copy here.

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