Like the late Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t subscribe to the belief that clothes maketh the man.
Mark Zuckerberg shared a photo of his wardrobe on Facebook
Returning to work from his two month paternity leave, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg was “feeling undecided” about what to wear on his first day back. Making light of the situation, Zuckerberg took a photo of his wardrobe, which showed that he has more identical plain grey tees and hoodies than the average person.
A photo posted by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg on the same day confirms that Zuckerberg did return to office in one of his many signature grey t-shirts.
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg posted a photo which showed that Zuckerberg did return to office in his signature grey t-shirt
During a Q&A session back in 2014, Zuckerberg was asked if he wore the same t-shirt everyday, and the billionaire’s reply was that “making small decisions around what you wear, or what you eat for breakfast, or things like that, they kind of make you tired and consume your energy”, affirming that he’d rather much spend time thinking of ways to improve Facebook than to improve his image.
Other brilliant people who clearly have no time to decide what to wear are US president Barack Obama, movie director Christopher Nolan and the late Steve Jobs.