In Occupy #Straatsnaps, we invite professional and amateur photographers from all over the world to take over our Instagram account (@straat0sphere) for a weekend. Last weekend’s edition was contributed by @sfllh.
I first started exploring Singapore back in October 2014. High rise buildings were always the thing for me

I only got a DSLR a few months ago, I’ve been sticking around with the best peeps and they have taught me alot

Talk is something that most people can do perfectly, but when it comes to doing, the same people don’t have a clue

Whenever I feel demotivated, I look back at videos from @ontheroofs and @thejameskingston. The adrenaline rush gets my creative atoms working

I live by my own principles and I will never change them just to please someone

Appreciate the opportunity given to me by @straat0sphere and I’m also thankful for the people I’ve been around the past few months. Bless all of you

Drop an email to if you would like to Occupy #Straatsnaps!