
Sneaker Reselling and Bots, this Kid Has Got it All Figured Out

Sneaker reselling and bots now go hand in hand, as this young and savvy “businessman” explains.

Sneaker reselling is a real business with tons of money to be made. And it seems 17-year-old Robert Newman, a seasoned reseller, has got it all figured out.

In an interview with Yahoo! Finance, Newman talks about how trading and selling sneakers is a lucrative way of making profits. The sneaker industry is estimated to be worth over US$30 billion in the U.S. alone, and the resale market comes in at a sizable US1 billion.

“You can definitely build a business out of this,” he said. “You can make hundreds of dollars in a few days.”

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For resellers, knowing the exact date and time of a popular sneaker launch is half the battle won. Rather than camping by the computer to go through the checkout process, these savvy sellers rely on bots to get the job done.

The automated applications scan sneaker online stores and social media for direct purchase links. Once they home in on a particular release, they can go from product page to order confirmation in a jiffy, as details like credit card numbers and addresses are “punched in” at instantaneous speeds.

While bots have made it easier for would-be resellers to get their goods, they’ve also created an unfair advantage and can be a source of frustration.

Bots don’t guarantee a purchase, especially if many others are using them too, but they definitely increase the odds of getting a shoe significantly.

They also don’t come free. Unless you have the knowledge to create your own, would-be bot owners are looking at an investment of about US$300 per bot.

The avenues that cater to sneaker reselling have also increased. Besides eBay, sellers now take to sites like Grailed and Flight Club to make their money. Apps, like GOAT, are also a viable alternative.

As bots become commonplace, would you be willing to use one to secure your sneaker purchases? Let us know in the comments below.

Read More: Beginner’s Guide to Copping Sneakers Online


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