
“The Shining” Gets Creepier with Virtual Reality

The Shining‘s Overlook Hotel, where most of the horror film’s macabre happenings take place, has been re-created in virtual reality form.

Revisit the eerie set of The Shining with this fan-made virtual reality (VR) experience.

Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 classic, The Shining, is the subject of this experimental VR video, titled Shining360.

Created by Claire Hentschker, the 30-minute interactive video uses photogrammetry to extract 3D elements from the original film and stitch them together.

The result? A creepy representation of the Overlook Hotel that’s no less scary than the original film.

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The spooky setting is the stuff of nightmares, with disjointed imagery all around. It’s made more haunting with the soundtrack, which, according to Hentschker, is a “stretched and edited version of the original score”.

Put the video on full screen, control the viewing angle with your mouse and see how long you last before you eventually get creeped out.

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