Underrated signature sneakers that deserve more love

Sometimes, an athlete’s endorsement and a fresh design just aren’t enough. Here are some underrated signature sneakers that we think deserve more attention.

Underrated Signature Sneakers: Kicks That Deserves More LoveUnderrated Signature Sneakers: Kicks That Deserves More Love

One of the most exciting milestones that athletes strive for is having their own signature sneaker line. After all, the honor is bestowed only upon the best in any sport. Even with all the research, testing and marketing, not every signature sneaker can grab headlines and fly off shelves. As such, some truly outstanding sneakers fall to the wayside only to be forgotten. Here’s our guide to some such underrated signature sneakers that we feel deserve more attention.


Model: Fila Grant Hill 2 by Grant Hill

Drop date: September 2019

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Retail price: US$190

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Model: Nike Air Flight 89 by Scottie Pippen

Drop date: 1989

Retail price: US$120

Buy here: StockX | Farfetch | Stadium Goods


Model: Nike Air Pippen 1 by Scottie Pippen

Drop date: 1997

Retail price: US$160

Buy here: StockX | Farfetch | Stadium Goods


Model: Under Armour Curry 8 by Steph Curry

Drop date: November 2020

Retail price: US$160

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Model: Jordan Brand CP3 by Chris Paul

Drop date: May 2019

Retail price: US$100

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Model: Reebok Shaqnosis by Shaquille O’Neal

Drop date: 1995

Retail price: US$140

Buy here: StockX | Farfetch | Stadium Goods


Model: Reebok Question by Allen Iverson

Drop date: 1996

Retail price: US$140

Buy here: StockX | Farfetch | Stadium Goods


Model: Adidas “25 Years of” Predator Precision TR by David Beckham

Drop date: July 2019

Retail price: –

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Model: Nike KD 14 by Kevin Durant

Drop date: April 2021

Retail price: US$150

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Model: Adidas Dame 4 by Damian Lillard

Drop date: October 2017

Retail price: US$115

Buy here: StockX | Farfetch | Stadium Goods


Model: Adidas Predator 19+ by Paul Pogba

Drop date: April 2019

Retail price: USD$200

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