Win “Unfriended” Movie Preview Tickets!

We’re giving away 5 pairs of tickets to the movie preview of Unfriended, a new era of horror that takes place on the Internet. Take part in our contest and stand a chance to win!


Online, your memories last forever, but so do your mistakes. A new generation of horror will be unleashed through the film Unfriended, which revolves around Skype sessions by a group of friends. It’s all fun and games until the group is terrorized by an uninvited anon during a conversation. This takes place exactly a year after one of their school mates commits suicide over the circulation of a humiliating video of her passed out. Just who was she?

Well, find the answer to that question and you and a friend will stand a chance to watch Unfriended at the preview screening on Tuesday, April 28th! To participate, fill out the form below. Good luck!

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Unfriended opens in theaters on April 30th.

Unfriended Preview Screening Details:
Date: Tuesday, April 28th
Time: 7pm
Venue: FilmGarde Bugis+
Tickets can be collected from the redemption counter from 6pm onwards on event day. Be sure to present your IC

Terms & Conditions
*Contest closes Friday, April 24th
*Unfriended is rated NC16 – Violence and Coarse Language
*Participants must be above the age of 16
*Only open to Singapore residents

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Watch the Unfriended trailer here:

Contest is now closed! Winners will be notified by email.



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