Categories: 2015OTHERSneakers

The War Against Fake Yeezys Has Gained a New Ally in Yeezy Busta

If you happen to be an unfortunate owner of fake Yeezy Boosts, be warned, Yeezy Busta is coming for ya.

The crusade against fake sneakers has been bolstered by the anonymous Yeezy Busta. Self-styled “THE YEEZY BATMAN”, this vigilante is on a mission to rid the world of fake Yeezy Boosts and “fugazzi flexors”. And Yeezy Busta pulls no punches where it comes to calling out fake Yeezy owners on Instagram; even going so far as to name and shame them. While some plead innocence/ignorance, others end up “feel(ing) some type of way” and choose to block him.

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But that’s not all he does. Yeezy Busta offers his legit check services as well, and has even posted quick-tip videos on how to identify a genuine pair of Yeezys. The guy sure has a knack for this, pointing out minor details that most sneakerheads would not pay attention to.

Yeezy Busta has also given away two pairs of “Pirate Black” 350s, making him ever more popular with his growing follower base. If you’re uncertain about how legit a pair you’re eyeing is, do yourself a favor and hit Yeezy Busta up.
