
Finally, “Ghost in the Shell” Trailer Debuts

Masamune Shirow’s cyberpunk thriller Ghost in the Shell  heads to the big screen, and it looks bloody awesome! Check out the trailer below.

Premiering on March 30th 2017, Ghost in the Shell follows the story of Motoko Kusanagi aka The Major, a one-of-a-kind cyborg who leads a cyber-crime task force.

Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson plays the protagonist, and the movie will include original characters from the manga and anime, such as Batou (Pilou Asbæk), Dr. Ouelet (Juliette Binoche) and Kuze (Micheal Pitt).

If the trailer is an indication, expect loads of visually pleasing graphics and scenes in this futuristic thriller.

For those who criticized director Rupert Sanders for whitewashing the main character, well guess what, he stands by his casting choice. Seeing how the trailer has panned out, we might just let this one slide.

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Read More: “Blame!” Anime Film Adaptation Available Through Netflix
