Art & Design

This Artist Gives InstaCollages a Whole New Meaning

Digital artist Stephen Mcmennamy has a knack for combining two pictures to make creative InstaCollages.

Artist Stephen Mcmennamy gives everyday objects a whole new look with his creative InstaCollages.

Mcmennamy turns mundane, everyday objects into surrealist artworks. The pictures look deceptively photoshopped, but are created using simple, photography apps available online.

There’s apparently no boundaries for the artist when creating his art collages. He combines just about anything, from professional aerial shots of landmarks to everyday pictures of his daughters.

Check out some of his collages below:

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Brooklyn Bridge + Guitar:

Apricot + A back:

Paintbrush + Spaghetti:

Cauliflower + Poodle:

Despite having a pretty big cult following, Mcmennamy admits that he does have trouble creating some of his artworks, sometimes spending weeks laboring, planning, practicing and executing his ideas. He even created a separate Instagram page for some of his art fails.

See the rest of Mcmennamy’s work here

Read More: This Artist Gives Overwatch Characters a Futuristic Look


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