
Controversial Solebox Off White AJ1 Online Raffle Angers Sneakerheads

There were more losers than winners in the Off White AJ1 raffle held last weekend for one of the biggest sneaker drops this year.

All the hype around this Europe-exclusive was a logistical nightmare for European retailers organizing an online raffle catered to sneakerheads worldwide. While most online raffles turned out OK, German sneaker retailer Solebox earned the ire of many hopefuls.

Why? Well, everyone who entered the online raffle organized by Solebox had their cards pre-charged in the process of signing up for the raffle. Those who entered multiple entries must have felt the pinch, what with each sneaker retailing at €202 (approx. S$328) inclusive of shipping fees.

Naturally, the Solebox raffle caused quite a stir as it isn’t common practice for retailers to pre-authorize payment for online raffles. In most raffles, participants are only required to enter their personal particulars, delivery address and payment details but are never charged until it has been confirmed they have won in the raffle.

The Off White AJ1 Raffle left those who took part via Solebox in a sour mood

A Twitter user who didn’t win the Solebox raffle shared a snippet of an email from the retailer, which read that the pre-authorized amount had been refunded to him. Another less fortunate raffle participant tweets that he hasn’t yet been notified whether or not he has won in the raffle and hasn’t gotten a refund, even though the weekend is well and truly over.

Elsewhere, however, like on the END Launches platform, the Off White AJ raffle went on without a hitch. Perhaps Solebox could learn a thing or two from End Clothing.

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Did Solebox do the right thing by pre-authorizing payment for a raffle? Let us have your thoughts in the comments below.

Featured image: SNS

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