
Apple Instagram Page Spotlights Photos from the #ShotoniPhone Campaign

The Apple Instagram page is a curation of photos from the #ShotoniPhone campaign.

The Apple Instagram page features photos curated from the #ShotoniPhone campaign, which encourages amateur and professional photographers to take photos on their iPhones.

At time of publishing, the Apple Instagram page has 9 posts and 337K followers. It follows 7 accounts including @beatsbydre, @carpoolkaraoke (recently acquired by Apple Music) and @planetoftheapps.

Each post on the Apple account acts as a video montage featuring five different photographers. A sound bite of the photographer describing their work accompanies the post.

An example can be seen below:

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It hasn’t gone unnoticed that it has taken Apple a while to get on Instagram. According to The Verge, Apple was waiting for its tension with Instagram to die down. Their conflict revolved around Instagram making its app available on Android, which resulted in Apple’s senior VP of worldwide marketing, Phil Schiller, to delete his Instagram account in 2012.

But with photography being the focus of Apple’s #ShotoniPhone campaign, it probably could no longer remain frosty toward the world’s most widely used photography app, Instagram.

For updates, follow Apple on Instagram.

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