
Nike CEO Mark Parker Encourages Employees to Fight Racism

Mark Parker speaks out against hatred and bigotry.

Featured photo: Hot New Hip Hop 

Mark Parker has issued a company-wide letter about the importance of equality

In the letter issued company-wide on August 17, Nike CEO Mark Parker addressed two major concerns: the Charlottesville rallies and the Barcelona car attacks.

An excerpt from the letter reads: “Nike has always stood up against and unequivocally rejected hatred and bigotry. We have declared time and time again that Nike stands for helping all people achieve their highest potential, with a focus on equality.”

The letter provides Nike employees with options to contribute to organizations fighting intolerance such as PeacePlayer International and MENTOR. To further encourage Nike employees, Parker writes that the sportswear company will donate US$2 for every dollar donated.

Nike will be accepting donations through its “Give Your Best” platform until December 31 this year.

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This isn’t the first time Parker has spoken up against issues of the day. Earlier this year, he responded to Trump’s Muslim travel ban and in July 2016 expressed his concerns about racial violence in America.


Read More: Nike Speaks Out Against Trump’s Withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement


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