Soundwave Tattoos Let You Playback Sounds and Voices

Soundwave Tattoos Let You Playback Sounds and Voices

Tattoos are no longer just a visual medium.

With Soundwave tattoos, you can playback your favorite song, or the voice of a loved one.

Created by LA-based tattoo artist Nate Siggard, the Soundwave tattoos work in conjunction with a mobile app called “Skin Motion”.

Using augment reality, the app generates a sound wave pattern from any one-minute song or audio of your choosing. The pattern is then inked onto the skin by a “Skin Motion certified artist”.

After 24 hours, your tattoo will be ready to be played back with your smartphone. A demonstration of the how it works can be found in the video above.

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In the video, Siggard plays back his soundwave tattoo, which he created with his girlfriend’s voice and the gurgle of his baby.

The app is currently still in development and will only be launched in June 2017. In the meantime, the company will be expanding its network by partnering and training tattoo artists from around the world.

To learn more, please visit Skin Motion’s website.

Read more: You Can Now Upload Photos Through Instagram’s Mobile Site

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