Sofklo Makes Her Live DJ Debut at the ATTAGIRL! 3rd Anniversary Party

Sofklo Makes Her Live DJ Debut at the ATTAGIRL! 3rd Anniversary Party

At just 20 years of age, Soffi Peters aka Sofklo is ready to take the stage, as she joins the all-girl lineup at the upcoming ATTAGIRL! 3rd Anniversary Party.


Sofklo (Soffi Peters) has been releasing bite-sized audio mixes online for over two years. Now, the member of music collective HYBRDTHRY is ready to take the next step: Performing live. We speak to this young emerging beatmaker from Singapore prior to her big debut.

How did you first get into music production?
I started meddling around with Garageband and produced a couple of tracks, mostly experimental. I’ve always been into electronic music as much as classical, so the idea of creating my own sound with the influence of both has been very appealing.

How would you describe your music to people who may be unfamiliar with your work?
I don’t have a genre that I stick to. A term to describe my music would be experimental electronic music. Most of my tracks are based off real feelings, thoughts and dreams. Maybe you’ll find one you can relate to.

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Who are your music influences?
Shlohmo, YONEDA, uv.boi, bsd.u and Sakamoto Junnosuke, to name a few. I’m into tracks from a variety of genres and artists, but I enjoy their works just the same.


As an emerging artist, who would you choose to model your career after?
Regina Spektor isn’t an EDM producer nor DJ, but I admire her artistry and uniqueness. She’s quite an inspiring artist in that way, and to empower others as she did to me would be amazing. Electronic music-wise, Tokimonsta would be cool because she grabs samples from old albums and records herself playing various instruments for her tracks. Her passion reaches out to her audience.

What have people said about the tunes you’ve put out so far?
I started making music purely because I was curious and it grew to become a hobby, so to have people listen to my tracks and tell me they like it is really a pleasant surprise and an achievement. The best compliment I’ve received is that a track sounds “real Kingdom Heart-sy”, a reference to the role-playing video game. It certainly made my day.

What’s it like being part of the HYBRDTHRY family? 
HYBRDTHRY’s members are really encouraging and open-minded towards the different types of music out there, so it’s always heartwarming to have friends that appreciate the music you put out. They’re also a really helpful bunch I know I can approach if I’ve any difficulties or ideas I’d like to share.

Your upcoming DJ debut will be the start of a new chapter. What else can we expect to see from you in the coming months?
I’ve got a few collaborations in the making and a couple of ideas for new tracks. Can’t give away too much here!

Sofklo will be part of the line-up for Attagirl’s 3rd Anniversary Party, which will be held on July 30th (6pm — 3am) at Blu Jaz Cafe (11 Bali Lane, Singapore 189848).

This interview with Sofklo has been edited and condensed. 

Read More: 10 Questions with KRSTN, Up-and-Coming DJ from Singapore

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