Donkey Kong, Pokémon & Street Fighter II Inducted into World Video Game Hall of Fame

Donkey Kong, Pokémon & Street Fighter II Inducted into World Video Game Hall of Fame

The 2017 World Video Game Hall of Fame inductees are Donkey Kong, Halo: Combat Evolved, Pokémon Red and Green, and Street Fighter II.

These four games beat other iconic titles, including Final Fantasy VII, Mortal Kombat, Portal, and Resident Evil.

For those unaware, the World Video Game Hall of Fame was established to recognize electronic games of all types that have enjoyed popularity and exerted influence on the video game industry and society at large.

Anyone may nominate a game into the Hall of Fame, however, final selections are decided by a panel of journalists, scholars, and video game experts.

Other video games that have been inducted include Doom, The Legend of Zelda, Pac-Man, The Sims, and World of Warcraft.

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